new GAN amplifier

LSA Voyager GAN 200.

200w into 8 ohms

400w into 4 ohms

???w into 2 ohms

Are you 100% certain that low damping factor is always best?
Yes of course it is, unless I can think back to the 80’s when there was a speaker with purposely an over damped design, as Linn/Naim (Ivor Tifenbrun & Julian Veriker) in cahoots back then tried to do with the dual B139 Isobaric speaker which had no bass!! when driven by a Krell!! of of all amps.
That speaker to have bass needed an amp that was designed to have poor damping factor, hence Linn/Naim cornered the market with that little marketing duo, as anything else driving the Isobaric sounded wrong.

So the amplifier will not act as a "tone control"
Wrong, on the Alexia that OTL amp will have anything but a flat frequency response driving those speakers, to think otherwise remember Supertramp "Dreamer"

If you look at the amplitude response curve and impedance curve, you will notice throughout the base, they are somewhat inverted.
Now in effect your saying that, the OTL’s lack of bass drive current, and poor damping factor, will be a perfect match for the Alexia, and an amp like the Gryphon Antillion is not!!!!
I’ve never heard such a crock of **** I’m sure now you two are ******* in each others pockets.
Wrong on both counts.

A lower damping factor will, and especially in the case of the Alexia where one just has to look at the frequency response/impedance curve to see it, often correct peaks (valleys) in the frequency response. It is like a built in equalizer :-)

And .... most people don't know this, so I will not fault you, but high damping factor often results in more distortion in dynamic drivers. So no, high damping factor is not always better. Different yes, but better ... not necessarily so.

I will ask you this once. Stop insinuating I have any sort of business relationship with atmasphere. It is inflamatory and wrong. Stick to the facts, period.

in the case of the Alexia where one just has to look at the frequency response/impedance curve to see it, often correct peaks (valleys) in the frequency response. It is like a built in equalizer :-)
You are **** ** *t , the OTL’s are fixing nothing, they just can’t drive those Alexia loads, (and are a tone control because of it), read carefully, they say it twice.:
Stereophile on Alexia
" The peak in the midbass is entirely due to the nearfield measurement technique."
" The broad peak in the midbass will be mostly due to the nearfield measurement technique"

More more you two try to gig your way out of this BS, the more ridiculous you look, with your comments made about OTL’s trying to drive speakers with horror loads like the Wilson Alexia’s ect ect.
Next I’ll put money on is you’ll drag out the (autoformer band-aid fix) solution.
in the case of the Alexia where one just has to look at the frequency response/impedance curve to see it, often correct peaks (valleys) in the frequency response. It is like a built in equalizer :-)

You are both "Dreamer’s", the OTL’s are NOT fixing/correcting anything, as there’s nothing to fix on the Alexia’s.
They can’t drive those Alexia loads, because of "lousy damping factor" and "minuscule current delivery" (and are a tone control because of it) not "equalizing" as you say, read carefully, Stereophile say it twice.
Stereophile on Alexia:
" The peak in the midbass is entirely due to the nearfield measurement technique."
" The broad peak in the midbass will be mostly due to the nearfield measurement technique"

The more you both try to dig your way out of this nonsense, the more ridiculous you look. With your comments made about OTL’s and them trying to drive speakers like these Wilson Alexia’s ect ect that have horror loads.

Next I’ll put money on is you’ll drag out the (autoformer band-aid fix) solution.
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