If you want to merge your 2-ch and HT into one, get the Sophia 3. The easiest to drive, high efficiency. The Avalons do not have the dynamic capabilities for HT IMO, Sashas beeing to difficoult to drive for Arcam receiver.
Ragarding previous posts. IMO most of them are based on stereoptypes. Wilson sound have changed almost 180 degree in recent years. W/P Sasha does not sound hard / metallic like the older Wilsons did. With the right choice of electronics, they can have texture to die for ! On top of that, they have better articulation, much better resolution and vastly superior dynamics than any Avalon.
Avalons are only good for chamber music IMO. Play anything louder / more complex and they start falling apart. Cellos sound lovely though (although not more so than on the Sashas).
PS. I have owned Avalon Eidolon Vision for a year, and now I have been using W/P Sasha. Couldn't be happier. An outstanding speaker. I listen mostly to Jazz/Classical music.
Ragarding previous posts. IMO most of them are based on stereoptypes. Wilson sound have changed almost 180 degree in recent years. W/P Sasha does not sound hard / metallic like the older Wilsons did. With the right choice of electronics, they can have texture to die for ! On top of that, they have better articulation, much better resolution and vastly superior dynamics than any Avalon.
Avalons are only good for chamber music IMO. Play anything louder / more complex and they start falling apart. Cellos sound lovely though (although not more so than on the Sashas).
PS. I have owned Avalon Eidolon Vision for a year, and now I have been using W/P Sasha. Couldn't be happier. An outstanding speaker. I listen mostly to Jazz/Classical music.