Avalon Acoustics vs Wilson Audio

I would like to know how Avalon's sound compared to Wilson's. I heard that they have a similar sound, but just want to make sure from other peoples experience. I have heard, Sophia 3's, Sasha w/p, and the x2. I liked all 3 models. I haven't heard any Avalon's yet. I will definitely be looking to audition. Just thought I would ask for now.

My budget ($15k-$30k)is pretty broad for the sake of keeping an open mind. Realistically I'm thinking $20k'ish. That price is just for the pair of speakers mind you.

My current setup consists of Paradigm studio 60's v.5 (mains), cc-590 v.5 (center), studio 10's v.5 (rear's), Arcam avr-600. Primarily its an HT system, but I use it for music alot as well. It's a pretty good sounding system, but I've grown out of it for music. Its a superb setup for gaming and movies though. This is pretty much why I'm thinking of a dedicated 2ch setup.

Second option, is to upgrade my current system with better speakers. Use an outboard dac dedicated for music in conjunction with the avr-600. It would still be a 5ch system in the end though.

Any thoughts?
Yes, it could be that I am sensitive to this region. Interesting that the tweeter doesn't come into play until 3k, I'll have re-read the review.
I am sorry, I was refering to the new B&W 802 Diamond above, not the previous 802D model.

I do not own or live with the Wilson's but the recent crop of their "entry level" speakers, at least as I heard set up by Peter McGrath, did not sound fatiguing at all. Funny I thought voices were particularly convincing. Having heard previous generations, this was a surprise to me because I had dismissed Wilsons as somewhere between sterile to accurate to overly aggressive sounding depending on the material and system they were matched with. Musical was not a term I would have used, while this is a term I would have use to describe the larger B&W 800 series and Avalon speakers I have listened to. My opinion about the newer Wilsons is not unique, but Madfloyd listens to these speakers a lot more than me, and it is certainly easier to develop a valid opinion over months and years than in a short audition.
I listened to the Wilson Sophia 3 and the Sasha along with the Avalon Indra and Isis at the same showroom last week.

Since I have been a Magnepan owner for the last 25 years and am about to audition both the 3.7 and 20.7 I wanted to listen to the new breed of dynamic speakers.

Most of us Maggie fans know the downs that you get with the wonderful sound stage, quickness etc, and in my system I bi-amp with matching Audio Research D400s with a LS17 Pre and Marantz SACD. Also use a pair of Velodynes 12 inch powered subs. The system list is just so you know it wasn't a pure. "speaker to speaker" comparison and my sound preferences.

I completely understand the appeal of Wilsons, but because of my preferences would not swap even my current set up for either model. They seems a bit too analytical for my taste, but again the things that others love such as pinpoint imaging are there in abundance with Wilson's.

The Avalons sounded more "musical" to me but the Indra lacked some weight and authority. The Isis sounded wonderful and would love to have them but even the demo model was 58k and that is just too far above my comfort zone.

This is all a long winded way to say that as a "panel guy" I think the Avalons are a better speaker for the sound I prefer but the Wilson has the attributes many will simply love.

Given the price points, the Maggie's ( 5600 for 3.7/14000 for 20.7) seem like a steal but we will see if I still hold that opinion after auditioning.
I also prefer Avalons over Wilsons in general. Though with the right equipment matching either can sound good. The Avalons seem to be more involving.