Has anyone gotten a good discount from dealer on new technics turntables?

I'm looking at buying a 1200/1210GR before Christmas. I called the big box musician stores (and crutchfield)...just minimal discounts. My best luck in the past with other equipment has been with non big box audio dealers. However, the dealers I normally work with do not carry Technics. I assume the turntables are flying off the shelves so my desire for a good discount will probably come up empty. However, you never know. Someone may have a demo. I thought I would ask
No luck with USA Tube audio. I guess the 1200gr series is flying off the shelves and hard to get. :(
Doubtful you will get a discount on a new turntable that only goes for 1699.00. The margin is probably pretty slim on it. Why be such a cheapskate, it’s not like it’s that much money in the first place. If you were looking at the 4K model then maybe you would get a discount, but not on one of the least expensive models. If you really need to feel you have saved money, then wait for a used one to turn up.