Is the Modwright for an Oppo udp205 worth it?

Thinking about getting the modwright for my Oppo udp205. Does anyone have any experience with it?
Desktop/jriver > Matrix h usb card > Oppo > Arcam avr400 receiver (next year hopefully a Aesthetix Mimas) > Vandersteen Treos.
So I know it’s not the same but I have a Krell Digital Vanguard pushing the Pioneer Mod to my Vandersteen 2ces and I hear a big difference. More air and like I said revealing and dynamic. I would think with the treos you will hear the difference. Plus you can tube roll.
I would call Dan and speak to him or Kristin. I thought it might be a mistake to spend that kind of money but Modwright is top notch! I have seen huge differences in tweaking the front end.
Just ordered Spatial M3s so I expect even more from the Mod.