What I wrote isn’t obvious to most on this forum. Most in the cable forum go on the "if I put it in my system and believe I hear a difference, I can trust that method to tell me the truth."
And I didn’t see anything in what you wrote that suggested it was obvious to you. As far as I can tell you don’t voice skepticism about the standard audiophile belief that changing AC cables changes sound, and you have seemingly uncritically praised the Audio Bacon "tests," which doesn’t at all suggest you take the problem of sighted bias seriously.
Maybe Jay didn’t have an exact science but it was most definitely a good starting point to something different than doing the same thing over and over and getting the same results, that is called "insanity".
I can’t parse that paragraph. It’s not like Audio Bacon did anything different. They put cables in to their system, listened, and believed everything they think they heard. What’s different or a "good starting point" about that, in terms of moving the evidence for audiophile AC cables forward. They just took the standard unreliable method and did more of it.
And in the article we find bald assertions like:
Audio Bacon: Aside from practical (and legal) considerations, there’s also the type of solder, connectors, materials, and even technique used. All of these will determine the sound of a power cord.
...with no technical evidential support whatsoever.
Not to mention this disclaimer right below that:
Audio Bacon: Blind tests are pointless for the same reason why the skeptics request them – your mind is always playing tricks on you. – Audio Bacon
Which is a statement of pure anti-scientific ignorance.
You said you don’t believe in magic crystals, yet seem to uncritically accept results based on exactly the same method, a purely subjective "If I try it and think something happened, it happened!"
Why do you seem to drop your critical thinking for AC cables and not new age healing crystals?
I dropped in the thread because it seems you wanted a discussion concerning "The Truth About Power Cords." In which case, it makes sense to ask "where is the theory (that passes muster with other engineers) and objective evidence that AC cables COULD sound different, and the tests controlling for sighted bias that they DO sound different?"
Or, if this is supposed to be a thread about "the truth" only for those who already have accepted the audiophile cable dogma? It seems that’s the case, so maybe it’s best I leave you to it.