I have to downsize big time, any ideas on integrated amps and smaller 3 way speakers

I have to downsize my system quite dramatically. My current system is Well-Tempered Versalex TT with Dynavector DV XX-2 MKII cart, Oppo BDP-105D, Auralic Vega G2 Streamer/Dac, Esoteric C-03 Pre, Sanders Magtech amp with up-graded caps and Monitor Audio PL300 Mk 1 Speakers.
I have been thinking I need to downgrade the TT although I love the sound and I will probably go to an Integrated. Been looking at the Accuphase E-270 or 370. Speakers I like are the Sonus Faber Sonetto V or something similar. I need to be careful with those pesky back waves of Kenjit fame but otherwise I am open to ideas. This will be my last investment in gear as I have cancer and only a couple of years left. I will also need to simplify things for my wife.
Just some rough ideas that have worked for some of you would be appreciated. I have no real affinity with any brand although I am very partial to my Auralic DAC.
Thanks in advance folks.
shamus2211 OP
  Hi everyone, thanks once again. I am still working through the list. A dealer I know from another city to mine has offered a 45% discount off a Bryston B153 Integrated
If you add all the extras to that your close to this beauty the Mark Levinson Integrated that has all the extras in it, and would "probably" sound better.

Cheers George
You might look at Bryston B135 integrated amplifier, 135 watts/channel, they also have a dac board as an option. Never give up hope!!!!
The best amplifier I have ever heard is an integrated by Engstrom & Engstrom called Arne.
It's 300b based and puts out 20W (but can power surprising variety of speakers). Its available for demo in NYC. 
You will hear things you have never heard before.
Best of wishes for your recovery, cancer is no longer terminal like it used to be, hopefully you beat like many others have, no matter what they say. 
Very sad to hear your story, but a two-year prognosis at least offers *some* hope. Even if medicine has done all it can do, spontaneous regressions/remissions do happen. They’re rare of course, but not non-existent. Either way I wish you all the very best.

In terms of the actual question, I did the same thing a couple of years back. Very willingly in my case though, as I was simply tired of owning a monstrous system.

After a god-awful lot of auditioning here, there and everywhere I now listen to a Luxman L-550AXII and a pair of Tannoy Legacy Eatons. As far as I’m concerned it’s a perfect pairing and I’m happier with the sound here than I’ve ever been. Depending on the size of the room you might want to look at the Eatons two bigger brothers, Cheviot and Arden. That said the Eatons can fill a much larger space than the 30m2 room I use them in.

To my ears the Luxman is simply sublime and it has an abundance of power in terms of what either of the Legacy models require. I also considered and auditioned the 590AXII, but as didn’t find it to sound any better I decided against it. Equally excellent of course and no doubt better than the 550AXII on more demanding loads, but only a pointless extra expense in my case.

Whatever you end up with, here’s hoping your down-size will do for you what mine did for me!