Quad Tube Rolling

Okay, this may sound like a dumb question for smart audiophiles but i am still earning my wings in this fine hobby. In short, I am only too happy to defer to this knowledgeable forum and would greatly appreciate any input.  My question is, will it make a noticeable sonic difference if i changed the input tubes on Schiit Freya+. I recently changed the stock input tubes from 6SN7GTB (Russian) to the Sylvania 5692 red base (1950) and found them to be a welcomed improvement and they are still just breaking in. So, it makes sense to do the same with the input but that is a $175.00 decision so i am needing some big brother advise... What say ye?           
Sorry for the confusion. I did roll the output from 6SN7GTB (Russian) to Sylvania 5692 and noticed an improvement. Question is, would rolling the input side create an improvement as well.   
When you say input side are you talking about the tubes that act as a cathode follower (left side tubes)?  These tube are used to convert the high impedance signal coming from the previous gain stage to a low impedance signal.  A cathode follower has no gain at all. 

Unlike a gain stage where you will get almost unanimous consensus that rolling tubes will affect the sound, you will get mixed comments on the effects of rolling cathode followers.  My advice would be to try for yourself.
IME rolling input tubes will have a very noticeable effect on sound quality.It 'fine tunes' the tone of the entire system,to my ears anyway.
Sorry, can't help myself, because for me all questions of this nature translate as "is blah blah blah the best use of my $x?"

Because, if its literally a question of "will I hear a difference?" then yes, you will. There is always a difference. There will always be a "noticeable difference."

But in terms of is it cost-effective or does it make sense? Not usually. Not viewed in terms of is there more improvement to be had more easily somewhere else? An answer that almost always comes down to, well, not likely.

In this case for example for $175 you could get one Synergistic Orange Fuse which yes the tubes MIGHT be a LITTLE better but the fuse WILL absolutely be about TEN TIMES better. So no, I would say tube rolling is a waste of time.... unless and until you have done a whole bunch of other stuff first.

I worry that by "whole bunch of other stuff" you think I mean money. No. I mean a whole bunch of other stuff. Like cleaning all the contacts. Which if you're like everyone else you've not done in the last year. If ever. Which in that case if you do it now, then listen to the difference, that right there is probably the same or more than what you can expect for your $175 in new tubes.

Perspective. Makes all the difference.