The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance

This is a journey through real life experiences from you to everyone that cares to educate themselves. I must admit that I was not a believer in power cords and how they affect sound in your system. I from the camp that believed that the speaker provided 75% of the sound signature then your source then components but never the power cord. Until that magic day I along with another highly acclaimed AudioGoner who I will keep anatomist ran through a few cables in quite a few different systems and was "WOWED" at what I heard. That being said cable I know that I am not the only believer and that is why there are so many power cord/cable companies out there that range from $50 to 20-30 thousand dollars and above. So I like most of you have to scratch my head and ask where do I begin what brand and product and what should i really pay for it?

The purpose of this discussion to get some honest feed back on Price to Performance from you the end user to us here in the community.

Please fire away!


I have no doubt you can hear differences from the extreme low end cables or thin zip cord vs. one costing $50+. I did my own blinded test with my friends hitting the A/B button with a DIY interconnect and the throw away Chinese interconnect. I could hear a difference and so could could my friends at least 85% of the time.

My point was I can not find any posts on the internet where someone could reliably differentiate between a $100 cable and a $1000-$10,000+ one (and that is what this post was originally about). You would think at one of the large audio conventions some high end company with their uber expensive cables would have some superlistener who could show the world there is a difference. Why don’t they do that?
This is why your personal "experiences" when evaluating new equipment should be as blind as possible, so you can eliminate bias which is exceptionally powerful.  Perceived significant changes in ones own personal system often disappear when bias (visual sighting) is removed.

but not a method able to explain musical perception in his relation to sound perception in an individual personal history...


I favor A/B auto testing...Not for eliminating bias tough, but more to begin to be conscious of them...Musical personal perception history is entirely based on subjective articulate bias in evolution...Therefore not reducible to any "objective laws" of perception or of engineering...It is impossible to design a perfect universal piece of gear that will satisfy all and each human on the planet.... Precisely because musical personal perception history is entirely based on subjective articulate bias in constant evolution...
Other than the process, there is nothing objective at all about blind testing, or ABX testing. The actual testing is 100% purely subjective. By removing sighted bias, it ensures a much higher level of subjectivity.
Perceived significant changes in ones own personal system often disappear when bias (visual sighting) is removed.

All the changes that were implemented by the change in my audio system were made in a " cumulative" personal history, no illusion can persist in a cumulative long history, except for this particular complex illusion, which is the articulate sum history of all my bias, linked to individual pleasure called music....