"No, but he was the Greatest General this country has produced".
No he was not. What he was, however, was overrated.
"Recommended for the Medal of Honor twice."
And never was honored with one.
"Was a general in the First World War
Was Army Chief of Staff before world war 2
retired and ran the military of the Philippines.
Recalled after Pearl Harbor
Wrote the Japanese Constitution which is still in effect."
What does the above 5 statements have to do with being a good general?
"Defeated the North Koreans in the Korean war with a master stroke at Inchon"
The Inchon landings took place in September 1950. The Korean War did not end until July 1953 and when the war ended MacArthur had already been fired by President Truman. The landings were made behind the enemies front therefore cutting off his logistical means. That is not a "master stroke" it is what any General in charge would have done. And MacArthur himself did not come to this decision. It was a "team" decision with the army chiefs including Bradley and the joint chiefs of staffs.
When your hero was still in command however, he ordered his forces to head north all the way to the Yalu River using faulty intelligence from his puppet G2, General Charles Willoughby, who had his nose up MacArthur’s ass since becoming his G2 in 1939. This "drive to the Yalu" was a total failure and disaster and if not for General OP Smith ignoring the orders coming down from MacArthur through another one of his ass kissers General Edward Almond many more American Marines and G,I.’s would have been sacrificed.
MacArthur’s command of the Philippines prior to Pearl Harbor and the Japanese invasion of the Philippines while MacArthur was still in command is often considered the worst military defeat in United States history.
Later when MacArthur "returned" to the Philippines He pushed for an amphibious landing on the Island of Peleliu - One of the costliest operations of the war in the Pacific,the Battle of Peleliu saw Allied forces sustain 2,336 killed and 8,450 wounded/missing. The 1,749 casualties sustained by Puller’s 1st Marines nearly equaled the entire division’s losses for the earlier Battle of Guadalcanal.
MacArthur’s reasons for this invasion were ridiculous and unnecessary.
He stated that his forces that were to re - take the Philippines could not be successful unless the Japanese airbase on Peleliu was destroyed and the Japanese could not send fighter planes from Peleliu to the Philippines. Peleliu was 600 miles east of the Philippines!! The Japanese Mitsubishi fighter planes were incapable of such a long flight unless outfitted with an extra fuel tank (drop tank) which the Japanese did not have.
rok if you have the time read this:
https://warfarehistorynetwork.com/2016/08/10/unnecessary-hell-the-battle-of-peleliu/The real hero and savior of thousands of lives at the Chosin Reservoir was General OP Smith.
rok if you have the time watch this:
How OP Smith saved 15,000 Marines: