time for a change....any suggestions?

consider - carpeted listening room with low ceilings, approx. 18' wide and 32' deep

four Woodside MA-50 mono amps
BAT VK31 tube pre
Linn LP12 w/Wilson Benesch hybrid carbon fibre MC
Revox Exception CD
Isotek mini sub line conditioner

tastes incl. mostly classic jazz, both stereo & mono

have previously enjoyed Magnepans, Quads, & currently Von Schweikert VR5s

please share your thoughts on:

Apogee Diva
Sonus Faber Cremora
Vandersteen 5
Quad ESL

and any other recommendations you may have

thanks so much....
you've got a very big room, so you'll want something that throws a giant soundstage. i'd probably avoid the planars, electrostats, etc. i just auditioned the wilson watt puppy, which really are great-- someone's listing a pair here for less than $9k. i also see some focal alto utopias at around the same price. i wish i owned either. happy hunting!!
"something that throws a giant soundstage. i'd probably avoid the planars, electrostats, etc"

Huh? Hard to get bigger soundstage than Soundlabs. The sound field is hugh!

I'd go with Soundlabs, but dont know if your amps are upto it. If you can swing it, get correct amps for them too.