I think it’s rare that someone is in this hobby only for the gear. I’ve met many audiophiles, and while we often do get criticized about the gear we are mostly avid music collectors. If you spend as much time searching out new music as you do new gear, you don’t have a gear problem. If you spend a significant amount of money on music- to own or stream -you are a music lover! I want my music to sound real. That’s the gear part of being a music lover. I bet that describes almost everyone on this site. Umm... I just got done ordering stuff off of discogs before I read this thread. I may have a problem...
@david_ten , re 8:09, 11-25....*G* ..and one wonders what voices they hear replying, and with what is said that they will do....next....*erie laughter, fading into a cough* ;)
It has always been amazing to me how a well thought out full range system with good imaging can be so divisive. Among the people I count as friends there is only one audiophile and if anything I tell him just listen to the music. He claims he does as he keeps flippin' equipment.
My non-audiophile friends fall into three categories:
1) dismissive: It REALLY takes all that equipment just to make some music. You should hear the stereo in my car!
2) myopic: Walk right past a dedicated room full of equipment and appear to not acknowledge its existence.
3) music lover: They just walk right in sit right down and ask to listen to anything. And after some time then make a request.
I get along with all of these types. My favorite listening is when I'm alone. Now that can be an entire thread!
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