ZU OMEN speakers 12ohms??

I am looking into the Omen speakers , but the 12 ohms impediance is throwing me off. I have a ss amp 100 watts , 8 ohms and a tube amp 35 watts with 4,8,or 16 ohms . Whats the best way to go ,and how does the 12 ohm figure into this?
Although effective power will be lower into a 12 ohm load compared to 8 ohm or lower as is typical with most speakers these days, the Zus are high efficiency speakers, meaning they go louder with fewer watts, and are designed to present an easy load (12 ohm) for most any amp to drive compared to most modern speakers with impedances of 8ohms or lower.

They should work very well with most any low to moderate power amp, including 100w SS, but be a particularly good match to the 35 w/ch tube amp.
You cannot hurt the speakers by experimenting with the different taps. Just find the one that suites your taste.
In most rooms you will be challenged to clip a 35 watt tube amp on the Omens. They are easy to drive and rewardingly great sound too.