Using 2 of Centers as Bookshelf Speakers.

I'm using a brand new (less than 10-hr) center Focal Chorus 800v ($400) for my 5.1 home theater, and it seems to have the body and warmness that I like. I'm curious what would it be if I purchase another one and use both as my front bookshelf/monitor for 2-ch listening?
Center speakers are strongly concentrated on voices & mids, so will they be very well wking together to get great soundstage, image, and disappearance?
Any1 done or gone this route please chime in.
I think some people refer to them a LCR (Left Center Right) speakers and I had a salesman tell me that they can work great in some situations. The low frequency point listed on Focal's website indicates they are only 3Hz higher than the 806v bookshelf model. It might be worth a try. I thought the retail price was a bit higher than $400?

By the way, they are pretty big speakers, I have the 836v speakers and considered getting a matching center, but couldn't figure out a place to put it.
It is rarely a good idea to use two speakers for a center channel. There will inevitably be comb-filtering interference.

I thought the retail price was a bit higher than $400?
Retail was $600, but the dealer gave me a deal since I bought a pair of floorstanding Chorus 826v from him.

It is rarely a good idea to use two speakers for a center channel.
I'm just gathering thoughts. I've heard this pair of JM Labs Mini using the same 2 Centers concept before, however, the manufacture probably uses diff cross-over network design CONCEPT when sold them as Fronts?
Click here to see a pair of Mini at good starting price on eBay, $209.

I guess I'm confused. Why do you need another other than the 826v speakers that you already have? I've only heard them once for a few minutes, but they should be somewhere between the 816v and 836v speakers that I've heard quite a bit. Difficult to be in my opinion.