Bending wave, low order crossovers and tradeoffs

Stereophile just reviewed an interesting bit of kit, the Manger P1. The mid-tweeter is a bending wave transducer, while the woofer is conventional. Crossover point is around 400 Hz.

The DIY community has a similar type of design called Woofer Assisted Wide Band.  It is 90% wide-band, plus a woofer.

Of course, you have to listen to make any sort of real assessment as to the value of the speakers and their suitability to your own home, I just wanted to share with the measurement readers how I might look at a crossover and the paths not taken so others can gain some insight into just how much is happening in the crossover design of a speaker.  Let's take a looksie ...

There are many who feel the best crossovers are 1st order (6 dB / octave) as high order rob dynamics or something. This is not an effect I have heard. Lots of 1st order, time aligned speakers I have not like at all, and one with active woofer system, was spectacular. So for me this is not a compelling sales pitch.

But still, lets say low-order or no-order filters is a very desirable characteristic, so lets talk about the negative consequences of having a very simple crossover, as apparent here.

Comb Filtering
Those armchair speaker designers who get frothy mad at driver arrays, claiming "comb filtering" when there's no evidence in the measurements are oddly silent when it's right in front of them. This is a good example. Look at figure 5. Plenty of comb filtering visible here.  What's going on? The low-order filters used is letting the woofer interfere with the mid-tweeter. Lots of great speakers do much better off-axis than here.

Next, lets look at the impedance chart, Figure 1. See that 3 Ohm dip around 200 Hz? With a low rise above 8 Ohms around 1,500 Hz? This is evidence of a minimalist crossover. It's quite possible that the woofer is run full-range with no low pass filter at all, and the mid-tweeter may have only a cap.

I will say that I do not like speakers with a dip in this region, as I find them quite demanding of amplifiers. My usual reaction is "WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?" and then I am reminded that audiophiles LIKE demanding speakers. We are rather masochistic when it comes to the care and feeding of speakers. Some manufacturers deliberately drop the impedance in this range for exactly this reason.

Lastly, lets look at the overall shape of the output, Figure 4, showing a subdued mid-range. Not exactly recording studio attributes here, but possibly a good speaker at lower volumes. The shape here is a function of the cabinet, drivers and crossover design. No one thing contributed to the speaker's tonal balance, which we can lay it the foot of the designer, but if you choose to use a minimalist crossover as evidenced here there's only so much you can do to change things.

So, to recap, the designer picked a minimalist crossover and accepted poor lateral response and a low minimum impedance, and a lumpy frequency response curve as trade-offs. Or we could say he/she wanted all three.


PS - If you like the idea of a minimal crossover, may I suggest building the classic Seas A26 kit?

It has 1 capacitor and 1 resistor, and you can experiment by adding a 2nd order to the tweeter. Building a kit like this is a great thing to do with a friend or loved one you want to introduce to audio.


It's quite possible that the woofer is run full-range with no low pass filter at all, and the mid-tweeter may have only a cap.
I have never designed or built speakers, but am trying to understand this statement. In figure 3, it appears that the woofer is rolling out at or near 12 db per octave above 300 hertz. It is also showing no output greater than -40 db above about 3.5khz. How could it be running full range if this is the case? There would almost certainly be a lot of output above that with an unfiltered 8 inch driver. 

This is a good example. Look at figure 5. Plenty of comb filtering visible here. What's going on? The low-order filters used is letting the woofer interfere with the mid-tweeter. Lots of great speakers do much better off-axis than here.
How is the woofer contributing to this, if it's contribution is more than 40 db down at 3.5 khz? All of the comb filtering I see in figure 5 is well above that frequency. Are you sure that is not something associated with the way the bending wave driver operates? I have never seen measurements on one of these types of drivers before and am wondering if it is something due to it's design. Could the poor off axis performance be laid at the feet of the driver instead of the cross over design? I agree that the off axis performance looks bad. So does the spectral decay plot. 

Could this excerpt from the body of the review explain the comb filtering seen in the measurements?

Unlike most loudspeaker drivers, the diaphragm of the Manger Sound Transducer (MST) does not operate pistonically. Instead, voice-coil excitations generate transverse waves along its flat surface, like ripples in a pond.


Lastly, lets look at the overall shape of the output, Figure 4, showing a subdued mid-range. Not exactly recording studio attributes here, but possibly a good speaker at lower volumes. The shape here is a function of the cabinet, drivers and crossover design
Again looking at figure 3, this would appear to be all due to the bending wave driver with likely some cabinet contribution. I am not trying to be argumentative here, rather trying to learn how to interpret provided measurements and understand how you reached the conclusions that you did.
It is also showing no output greater than -40 db above about 3.5khz. How could it be running full range if this is the case? There would almost certainly be a lot of output above that with an unfiltered 8 inch driver.

Depends on the woofer, really. I imagine a custom unit could be built that way, or which needed only 1 additional component. Also, the output may seem low, but it is not too low to avoid interference. Could that comb filtering be caused by the bending wave transducer? Possibly, but then why is it different horizontally and vertically?

Honestly the shape of the roll off measured, the impedance and lateral measurements aren’t aligning very well. If it’s using a 2nd order low pass, then why is it interfering as much, and why is the impedance curve the way it is?

Perhaps 1st order filters? It’s hard to know without knowing the impedance of the original drivers.

Again looking at figure 3, this would appear to be all due to the bending wave driver with likely some cabinet contribution.

Right, and if you have a very simple crossover, you don’t have the ability to flatten any such shape, so you are left with whatever the driver starts with.

My point here was to reinforce something I said elsewhere, most crossovers incorporate some amount of equalization, but very simple circuits have to avoid them.

Though it can be said that even a 1st order filter, judiciously picked, can do both EQ and filter.