Brave man, McGowan...

Brave for sure. This will alienate a bunch of people. All cable haters and snake oilers. Very risky business for Paul to post this in public forum. 
Czech Republic finally won a Nobel prize for Physics in 2007. I guess it’s true what they say, hard work and patience pays off. 🤗
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GK:   maintaining irrelevance one post at a time, 24/7.
Looks like you now have a fanboy stalker Geoff.
The word engineer dates back to the middle ages. Facts do matter.
The word engineer does indeed go back that far. It was tied to the early bomb makers in the given military machine. The expression "hoisted by his own petard", for example, comes from the times that early bomb makers and/or engineers blew themselves up.

The formalization of teaching by rote and dogmatic text, as a method of giving these linear minded people something to do, outside of the military -- was the deal.

The Germans (more a regional reference than anything else) took it out of the military complex and applied to the the general public, in order to deal with all the areas of application that were not military in nature.

Which is the ’build out the world’ part of the origins of engineering. The world needed ’build out’ foot soldiers, who could follow directions. the kinds of people who could do this perfectly well but seemed to not be able to reach the theoretical exploration complexities. There was and is a large mass of them. Help them be useful to themselves and the world. 

thus engineering is for following orders and following texts and not being theoretical in anything but following specific and rigid rules, theories are expressed as facts and laws.

And Geoff tried to remind you about this projection issue, re his reference to Feynman's line about 'cargo cult scientists', who were indulging in scientism, dogmatic factualization and law references.

And this forum is strongly intertwined with exploration... not dogmatic scientism, or 'engineering'.

There are plenty of other forums that are 'flat earth maintenance' forums in the context of audio - that serve that need.

Pointedly...some here are strongly indulging in dogmatic scientism. Starting with the basics that is in the texts and applying rigor and so on, is fine, but to rail against unknowns as they don't fit the things one read in the texts, is categorically against science and it's origins and intent.

and you hit this mark and walk this dogmatic projecting walk all the time, incessantly the point of notable nausea for all others...

perhaps you should consider taking youself to one of those ceaselessly projecting flat earth forums, as you seem to fit so well with that mindset.

You put a lot of words down on paper, but alas, can’t back most of it up. You equate civil engineering and basic electrical engineering to all engineering disciplines, which shows a lack of your knowledge, not a lack of creativity on the part of engineers.

The few studies that have looked at intelligence versus course of study have put Electrical Engineers near the top of the list, far above general sciences, and matched only by those in the sciences at the university faculty level on average. There is also a correlation between higher intelligence and creativity, so your generalization that engineers, most of those in the audio industry being electrical engineers, not being creative in their approach and being "linear minded" has no basis in fact.

Very few of those who have a background in electrical engineering work on "life critical" things restricted by the bounds of "regulations", such as electrical power systems. Most work in unbounded rolls as problem solvers. If you think the average person with a "science" degree uses more creativity and non-linear thinking in their roles, you don’t have any evidence to support it. There is a reason why those with educational backgrounds in engineering are many of the most prolific inventors.