Brave man, McGowan...

Brave for sure. This will alienate a bunch of people. All cable haters and snake oilers. Very risky business for Paul to post this in public forum. 

You put a lot of words down on paper, but alas, can’t back most of it up. You equate civil engineering and basic electrical engineering to all engineering disciplines, which shows a lack of your knowledge, not a lack of creativity on the part of engineers.

The few studies that have looked at intelligence versus course of study have put Electrical Engineers near the top of the list, far above general sciences, and matched only by those in the sciences at the university faculty level on average. There is also a correlation between higher intelligence and creativity, so your generalization that engineers, most of those in the audio industry being electrical engineers, not being creative in their approach and being "linear minded" has no basis in fact.

Very few of those who have a background in electrical engineering work on "life critical" things restricted by the bounds of "regulations", such as electrical power systems. Most work in unbounded rolls as problem solvers. If you think the average person with a "science" degree uses more creativity and non-linear thinking in their roles, you don’t have any evidence to support it. There is a reason why those with educational backgrounds in engineering are many of the most prolific inventors.

Your statements about "engineering" say more about you, than about engineering. You seem to have this deep seated hatred for the field. I suspect this has less to do with engineering, and more to do with engineers being the most likely people to call you out when you post things that are not supportable or factual. That is not because they are "linear" thinkers, but because they are capable of non-linear thinking which allows them to pull together diverse knowledge and apply it to new situations, real or imagined.

And contrary to your claims that this forum is "intertwined with exploration", that "exploration" is often akin, to use your analogy, to "finding the new world", and "proving the earth isn’t flat", when the rest of us have already moved on to trying to reach the stars. The lack of "questioning" or even a desire of basic understanding illustrated by a small but vocal group certainly illustrates my point.

And contrary to all your claims, science never says "trust me", but encourages deep understanding, verifiable experiments and measurements. It is not engineering that provides a basis for refuting the claims, of say, you and your cables, but science in general. Science would never simply accept your claims. Science would insist on proof, proof via measurement. Yet, you have no proof of any of your claims do you? If you did, you would gladly publish that proof. Don’t blame engineering for your lack of proof, blame scientific method for insisting on it.

p.s.  No, not all others, but perhaps a loud minority. On the other hand, many appreciate that people like me are willing to call our questionable claims, and not just cower when attacked, usually incessantly.

and you hit this mark and walk this dogmatic projecting walk all the time, incessantly the point of notable nausea for all others...

Teo: “There are plenty of other forums that are 'flat earth maintenance' forums in the context of audio - that serve that need. ”

You don’t understand. He is here on purpose. Nothing to teach, and no one to “turn” on those forums you mentioned. Like a missionary, he goes where his religion is not spread yet. That’s what he is doing. On purpose. Plenty of “poor souls” he is targeting in these forums.

Again, you miss my point.

It is simple.

You don’t know everything.

As for me attacking the inventive capacity of some in the engineering end of the pool, no, not at all ...that is your projection, a repeated error of yours. I said no such thing. Eg, Faraday was completely uneducated and self taught.

You seem to be spending an inordinate amount of your time and life energy to force this forum and it’s denizens to fit your mindset and projections about the nature of audio and exploration within it.

Your ideas on scientific rigor and how you apply it here, and against all in front of you.... on this forum....... are patently blind. You are, by your own text and screed, IMO and IME... out of your depth in many areas, and you can’t see it... or refuse to see it.

However, a good imagination and ability construct a model out of it is actually a very good thing for scientific exploration! You seem to be very good at this. one thing though (among many) is to no fool oneself with it. Admirable, commendable, in my book. But not in how you do it, here, on this forum. And I say this not with an aura or air of authority, no, no game, just communication of a observation that might be in the ball park.

In this crazy level of over the top posting frequency of posts (set to average 8000 posts in a year, if the average continues), posts with very specific directions and intent... you do the forum, it denizens..and audiogon as a company and endeavor...harm. Relentless, ceaseless, misinformed... harm.

This not an egoic game of one upsmanship. Just get over whatever it is you need to get over (your blind spot)... and move on. Thanks.
Stalkers welcome. I have a bunch in my stable already but there’s always room for one more. Even UNstable ones. Get it? Unstable.