Best Way for my TT to reach my Pre-Amp!?

I have a Rega Planar 3 that sits a few feet too far away to reach my Marantz AV7704 phono stage.

whats the best way to reach my Marantz preamp processor with the short 2 foot phono cables that come with the Rega?

It sounds like rca extensions are going to cause too much capacitance and there is also a difference between phono extension cables and rca cables. Please teach me! 
Consider iFi iPhono as a phono preamp. It has settings for capacitance and various settings for the equalization. I like mine set at 100pF and use their proprietary eRIAA settings for equalization. By playing with the settings you will be able to hear what you like. 
Also, as far as I understand, capacitance does not matter if you use a Moving Coil(MC) cartridge. The iFi has various settings for loading impedance for an MC cartridge. Just keep the cable length from your Rega to the iFi short. Another good thing about this preamp is its size - you can hide it behind your Rega. 
Hope this helps. 
I use Blue Jeans Cable from the Seattle area.  Their interconnects have very low capacitance, and very reasonable price wise.  Quality connectors and so on.
Not sure if your Rega has RCA jacks or fixed leads coming out of the tonearm.
If the Rega uses a din plug so you can use alternate phono cables then it is possible for you to have some made that will reach your phono inputs.
Or you could move your Rega close enough to reach the phono input.
Thank you for the blue jeans cable suggestions but I make my own interconnects using either cardas rca connectors or neutrik balanced XML with Duelund oil infused cotton wrapped wire from Germany. If you haven’t heard about it, Google it. It’s great stuff!