New Speaker Conundrum - Vandy's, Spendors, Salk, Ascend - Mainstream or ID

I am very lucky to be close to Audio Connection and John has outfitted my entire rig over the years. I am currently running Ares/RP-7 to M-180s - always liked Mark's designs and he/Nick are so approachable over at Rogue.

I used to run 2CE IIs for the longest time and loved them and I thought I would give ID a try and landed a pair of Double Impacts - which I love.

However, I have the upgrade itch and I am in two minds on whether I want to go back to Vandy's or look at Salk/Ascend.

I have narrowed down my list to Spendor D9s, Vandy Treo CTs, Salk Soundstage 8s and potentially the Sierra Towers. I am going over to Johnny's this weekend for another listening session with the Treos and potentially Quatros.

I have always looked (more likely lurked) on these forums over the years for advise - unfortunately never posted :(.
I have the ascend towers with RAAL, and I’m very pleased with them, This was my first experience with a good ribbon tweeter and it produces a beautiful, airy top end that is quick and effortless,  nice mids, and bass that is tight and balanced. Everything seams together very well and gives an energetic, spacious presentation. This is not a speaker for bass heads though. If you like a lot of slam, I think you’d be happier adding a sub.

My sense is that they scale very well. I went from an Onkyo AVR to an Audiolab 6000A and the sound was noticeably improved. I’m about to add some monoblock amps and am curious to see what happens when i feed them more power. at 92db efficiency, they are not hard to drive. DaveF, the owner and designer of the tower, recommends a class AB amp with the RAALs because they could produce some of the switching noise of class D.

I know Ascend and Salk are often spoken of together since they both use RAAL ribbon tweeters, but unfortunately I’ve never heard a pair. I know that they have absolutely beautiful cabinet options and are very highly regarded. I doubt you could go wrong with them.

My ascend towers with the RAAL upgrade came to just a tick over $3k, which I feel is an amazing deal for what you get. As I said at the start, I’m very pleased.

Thanks @tomic601 - the quatros are more than likely going to end up on my list :).

Thanks @milpai - current list as I see it would be Vandy, ProAc, Ascend, Salk in that order and I am adding the Focal 1038Be to the list as well.

Thanks @dtrandall - Might narrow down this list after auditioning at Johnny's this weekend.
Ribbon tweeters never worked for me.
Since you like the Vandy's I would stay with them.
The ProAc are very good, and if I were in a pinch, I would get them, but the Treo's with subs or the Quatro's are much better in my opinion.
The SS 9.5 is Salk's best speaker.  The only issue is where to audition it.  But if you can hear the Song 3 BeAT or the larger Song 3 Encore, that will give you more than a taste of the 9.5.