New Speaker Conundrum - Vandy's, Spendors, Salk, Ascend - Mainstream or ID

I am very lucky to be close to Audio Connection and John has outfitted my entire rig over the years. I am currently running Ares/RP-7 to M-180s - always liked Mark's designs and he/Nick are so approachable over at Rogue.

I used to run 2CE IIs for the longest time and loved them and I thought I would give ID a try and landed a pair of Double Impacts - which I love.

However, I have the upgrade itch and I am in two minds on whether I want to go back to Vandy's or look at Salk/Ascend.

I have narrowed down my list to Spendor D9s, Vandy Treo CTs, Salk Soundstage 8s and potentially the Sierra Towers. I am going over to Johnny's this weekend for another listening session with the Treos and potentially Quatros.

I have always looked (more likely lurked) on these forums over the years for advise - unfortunately never posted :(.
I need to go visit Bache Audio, too. Especially as I get my hair cut nearby.

I went to the NY Audio show. The Bache were good.
(The QLN was very impressive, but I think it was hindered by either the equipment( Vincent, I think) or interconnects. If I ever get a chance to audition them, I would bring some of my cables).

Thank you so much for the Canton suggestion @revrob.@jdal - I had not considered Bache Audio.

I did visit JohnnyR@audioconnection today. Had an extended listening session with his Quatro CTs - mostly played through Gilmour (Live at Pompeii) given that I love the mastering on that one. It just blew me away - and this was not my first time auditioning the Quatros.

It looks like I will be moving ahead with a pair from RichardV - fingers x'd. I will keep you all posted.

Once again this thread goes to show how helpful Audiogon is to people looking to pick this hobby up. Thanks all.
I'm glad you found what you were looking for. Audiogon has been extremely helpful to me as well. The people here are amazingly passionate about this hobby of ours.

It feels so good when you can find something in your budget, love it, and not settle.

My best to you.
Ya man ! Good for you
johnny r will set them up right and teach you how to do it, bend the bass to the room :-)
and yes audiogon full of passionate and music loving audiophiles 

what wood?????
Thank you so much @revrob 

@tomic601 - I am going with basic black to match with the rest of my gear and the rest of the room. Thanks again.