Maggies and Wells Audio together

I own a Wells Audio Inamorata and I am considering purchasing Maggie 3.7i. What do you think of that amp/speaker combo? The amp is 150wpc.
@PS I agree that vivid and robust are accurate descriptors. I find the amp has balls, is NOT laid back.
I haven’t heard nearly enough speakers to have the remotest clue of what "the end all, and be all" might be. :) But I will say that I am quite fond of my new-to-me pair of Sonus Faber Guarneri Homages. They’re kinda special, I do think.

With the GH's especially, it’s fun to simply listen to music and not think about the gear. Sorry for the potentially off-topic aside.

A rhetorical question Douglas: I happily OWN a pair of .7’s, why would I want to read your review, :)

+1 and I fully understand.... :)

Best wishes to all for the coming year.
ps, I presumed that you own the .7, and was attempting to share some wider experience with the amp and speakers. Some reviews are read for enrichment, not merely preparation for purchase. YMMV 

Enjoy your music. 

"enrichment" "wider experience" aaaah, there are the tickets to ride that I must have been missing. But at least I now have a couple of new terms to add to the old audiophile lexicon. :)

After decades of fiddling with this and that component, at this point, I greatly prefer to hit play, sit back, and enjoy. But then again, I’m not a reviewer, nor do I enjoy obsessing about much of anything these days. I do, however still worry about the world my two beautiful daughters will inherit.

My .7s sounded just fine powered by the Wells amp, either with a Luminescence tube preamp, or the Wells Commander.

One can mix and match until one can no longer mix and match.


Enjoy your reviewing. BTW, didn’t you write somewhere that you regretted selling your Wells amp?
Ps, seeing as how you are defensive and do not stay with the topic, I am finished speaking with you.