$27,500 for whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???

$27,500 is a nice chunk of change, even in the audiophile world.  I think we can all agree on this.  You can get a pretty kick ass system for that amount.  I think we can all agree on this, too.  I just read something at stereophile.com that almost...almost made me choke on my triscuit.   Luckily for me, I had water ready to go, knowing how dry those things are.  $27,500 is the price for a paint upgrade, a color called cranberry pearl finish on a pair of speakers made by Wilson, the Chronosonic XVX.   Now, when we hear the name Wilson, we all know what that means.   But come on man,  $27,500 for a paint upgrade. 
I'm personally disgusted by conspicuous consumption and vanity products and that's all this is.  It has no redeeming qualities.  The 27k for paint is just an especially egregious example of it.  I think it's something we should all  avoid.  Almost anyone can feel good by having something others can't.  Even if you're just the homeless crackhead with the fanciest pipe.  It's not that the pipe somehow performs better, it's that the other crackheads in your group can't afford it, and you make yourself feel superior by being better than them.  There's no higher level goal like a better crack high.  It's the most base instinct.  Moving up in the pecking order, like a chicken.
I'm thinking of my crazy uncle Russel, who, trying to sell an MG, painted it with a brush.
It was horrible.
Hi end,is just that,HI END. Folks that buy these products are in a different world than most. Some look at these people with contempt.
 If you have the means,God bless. These people aren't taking money out of their kids mouths. As crazy as it seems spending $27k on a paint job for a pair of speakers,there (I'm sure) just as many people that can not pay their electric bill,think it's crazy to spend 2k on an amp. It's just the way of the world. If I earned 7 figures a year,my system would definitely be different than it is now. Also,my house ,cars,and motorcycles would probably be different too. 
I’m personally disgusted by conspicuous consumption and vanity products and that’s all this is.
It confounds me how anything purchased to be used exclusively inside a home could be considered "conspicuous consumption."
Almost anyone can feel good by having something others can’t.
They can?
Even if you’re just the homeless crackhead with the fanciest pipe. It’s not that the pipe somehow performs better, it’s that the other crackheads in your group can’t afford it, and you make yourself feel superior by being better than them. There’s no higher level goal like a better crack high.
Ahhhh, now I see where you’re coming from.
Addiction is a terrible thing, so good luck with that.