Does anyone play two pairs of speakers at the same time?

I have found that certain combinations of speaker pairs produce a better sound than the single pair alone. For example: Klipsch Quartets and PSB Image 4T (new tweeters from Vifa) Quartets inside pair and volume matched to PSBs. I have done this over the years and found some great combinations.
As a bit of an aside, I miss my HQD and Acoustat 2+2, those were both good in the right rooms.....
i still have my 4 bose 901 series 2 speakers. i have it set up as the 'super bose system' as you older people will know! sounds good to me so i'm happy with it!!!
righto..p exeter man here... unfortunately some bad market margin calls, ex-wives and legal representation has put me right back in the dorm room environs yet agin...
i dig it
I much prefer having of one pair of large speakers than having three pairs of small ones lols.

Anyway, coming from DIY world, listening to a lot of speakers does change your perspectives.  I used to watch Siskel and Ebert when I was a kid and found it strange they all hated Top Gun criticizing how vapid the shallow the plot was lols.  But now thinking about it, being a movie critic, they probably have watched hundreds of movies more than the average folks lols.  Now having watched tons of movies myself, I rarely go to the movie anymore because I can't stand most of them.  Once in awhile a perfect one comes along but that's far and few in between.

Anyway, as for speakers, after listening to quite a few, I am rarely impressed by speakers that can do super detail sound, a soundstage that you can peer into every nooks and corners of the recordings, and having a leading edge that can peel off the skin of an apple and after doing quite a few speaker projects, I guess the reason is those are fairly easy to achieve.  Too many designers treat a speaker design project like a science project and missing the point.  Ironically, only those that made the mistake in the past and even more rarely only those few that actually understand the science behind speaker design, that finally has decided to abandon the science (or at least most of it), and concentrate on the other side of things.  

I got nothing against science though because if I were to lead a software design project, of course I'll be like treating the science like a bible ... hahaha lols.
@canibefrank - ya man, Mercersburg for me :-) I was there for the rigor of the study of..... girls !