No, 100% disagree. Every mid I've heard since early 70's i hated.
I avoided all 3 ways with mid ranges past 40 yrs.
I am sticking with a MTM, allowing the lower W18 to act in low fq.s the upper mid bass meeting the Millenium tweet which is really a true Mid range/Tweeter. = you get 2 drivers in one.
IHow is this possible?
I just understooda few weeks ago, after owning the Thor MTM for now 17 years..The Millenium employed the latest technoogy at that time Neo magnet. Which is XXXX times more potent vs your old regular magnet tweet.
The upper W18 carries the low mid fq's up to meet the low FQ's of the Millenium = No need fora old basrking/coughing/blaring midrange.
I HATE all/every midrange.
Millenium, the finest midtweet ever designed.
Finest tweet every tweeted.
the honest stereo review guy
I avoided all 3 ways with mid ranges past 40 yrs.
I am sticking with a MTM, allowing the lower W18 to act in low fq.s the upper mid bass meeting the Millenium tweet which is really a true Mid range/Tweeter. = you get 2 drivers in one.
IHow is this possible?
I just understooda few weeks ago, after owning the Thor MTM for now 17 years..The Millenium employed the latest technoogy at that time Neo magnet. Which is XXXX times more potent vs your old regular magnet tweet.
The upper W18 carries the low mid fq's up to meet the low FQ's of the Millenium = No need fora old basrking/coughing/blaring midrange.
I HATE all/every midrange.
Millenium, the finest midtweet ever designed.
Finest tweet every tweeted.
the honest stereo review guy