Trust Schiit Loki

Some time ago I bought a Schiit Loki equalizer with the idea of improving the sound of poor recordings.
However, I have hardly ever used it, thinking, surely, the best sound must be the in the original signal.  And that an equalizer, no matter how good the reviews are, surely is going to corrupt the SQ.
I’ve only just now given up this purist delusion, and realize I can really enjoy the benefits of “fixing” the flaws inherent in some recordings.
It really is an amazing device. 
Thanks a lot for the link George. Loki seems to paint with a very wide brush. 2khz and 4khz are about the same with the upper mid knob. For more precise adjustments you have dsp.
For more precise adjustments you have dsp.
Yeah you could go that way and say good by to the treasured sound of your favorite dac you spent $$$$$ on. And then instead listen to whatever unknown cheap delta sigma dac is inside the digital room/speaker/equalizer processor.
Me I prefer to list to the sound of my treasured MSB discrete R2R dac and use the Loki when I need it.

Cheers George
Don´t know of any dsp processor that hasn´t got digital in/out.
That’s right and that dac is taking the place of your pride and joy dac if you had one you liked, do you want this, cause then you may as well sell your prized dac.

Because there’s no sense (nutz) in going from digital source into your prized dac the from it’s analog out into the analog in of digital speaker/room/eq/xover processor. you’d be going D to D/A to A/D then D/A

You’d go digital source straight to the digital input of the digital in on the speaker/room/eq/xover processor. So you’d go D to D/A

Say by-by great dac that you owned, for whatever junk d/a converter and analog stage is in the processor.

Then if you didn’t own a dac you loved the sound of, then it doesn’t matter what you hear.

Cheers George
Playing cd or streaming it´s digital only to the dac. External or internal. Your choise. Playing vinyl it would be an extra A/D and D/A. Or use a Loki.