Upgrading System...Help/opinions on Parasound and others?

Hi! I'm new to Audiogon...have been into hi-fi for about 10 years now.
I'm going to be slowly upgrading my system over the next year or two.  For a turntable, I am thinking Music Hall mmf-7.3, with Schiit Mani phono stage.  For speakers, I'm most likely going with Joseph Audio (not sure which ones yet).  I already have a Marantz CD-6006 which I adore.  ANYWAY...my question is more about a pre-amp/power amp.  My current system is listed at the bottom if you're interested.

My short list is:Parasound NewClassic 200 Pre (would use with my current AMC 2100 amp)
Prima Luna EVO 100 Integrated Amp (if going tube)Vincent SV-237MK (also if going tube and I feel like spending a little more)

Any opinions on these pairings are welcome, as in, would the pre and power amp do the turntable and speakers justice? What I'm really looking for is a nice pre/power amp that will pair well with the 7.3 turntable, drive good speakers, has tone control and preferably a bypass-able phono stage so that I can use the Mani.
Thank you kindly! :)

Current System:Pro-Ject Debut Carbon DC with 2M Blue and acrylic platterMarantz CD6006 CD player
Marantz 2240 (using as pre-amp)AMC 2100 power ampFocal Aria 906 speakers
I like Parasound.

Never heard the classic line. Skip the P5 if you find it used. Go for the P7 or newer.
I believe it just came out last year.  I'll probably audition my top 3 when the time comes. :)
Thanks :) I'm going to start auditioning to get an idea of sound...will likely make a follow up thread!
I love my Parasound Halo A21 Amp and P5 Pre-Amp. Absolutely love it. I’ve heard great things about the HINT 6 to. Best of luck to you in your search!