Turntable Advice Needed

I am looking to move my existing Rega RP3 to a secondary system and upgrade to a new turntable for my primary system. Current setup is a Plinius Hiato integrated with Dynaudio Contour 3.4 speakers. I stream via an Innuous Zenith server and a Lumin T2 streamer. I am extremely happy with the sound I am getting from this setup but think a turntable upgrade might be in order. Since I’ve had the Rega P1 and P3 my first thought was to just upgrade to the new P6. As I know nothing about the “sound” of different turntables I really don’t know what I might be missing. I’m not a big tweaker but just want something that sounds good.  Spending range is probably in the $1,500 -$2,500 range and I will also need a phono preamp. I can be persuaded to spend a bit more but am looking for the best sound/value ratio I can find. I’ve read in some threads that Rega lacks a bit in bass but I really don’t have anything to compare it to.

I would very much appreciate any thoughts/advice folks might be willing to share.

Many thanks

Ag insider logo xs@2xpuppyt
I’ve heard others mention the Technics 1200GR. What is the appeal of this turntable? The dealers seem a bit odd: Sweetwater, Crutchfield etc. Not trying to sound snobbish but not what I would have expected.
A lot of those dealers sell DJ equipment.

The Technics SL1200GR may look like a DJ rig and can even be used as one but I think it’s geared more towards the audiophile.

I just got one recently and couldn’t be happier.

No more belts to fiddle with.

No more external power supplies or speed box.

No more wondering if my table is running at the right speed.

And, I can easily change cartridges.

Also easy to adjust VTA.

Let’s not leave out the most important thing, it sounds great.

Just my opinion of course but I'm never going back to a belt drive tt.  Life's getting too short and I just want to listen to music. With a good cartridge, the GR makes good music.

1K more Dr Feickert Volare so much better than anything in the same price range. If you are near MD I know a dealer that has it on display.                 http://www.feickert.org/index.php?id=34&L=1
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