And it’s very dangerous for non technical to be playing around with ac mains fuses, and trying them in different directions frantically, forgetting just once to unplug mains before touching the fuse.And this is getting so old, trite and worn out it needs addressing before it is regurgitated yet again by George.
Have you ever changed a fuse in an amp George?
You know, where you pull out the fuse drawer at the back WHICH DISCONNECTS THE FUSE FROM THE AC POWER NO MATTER WHAT?
Or screw the black cap container head off type?
Granted there are some amp and equipment around that entails opening up the casework to get at the fuse but do you TRULY think anybody who is going to do that will really have left it plugged in and switched on???
Not everybody is as dense as some people George......
Let me put it another way..
If I was going to choose between reading and believing posts from David Pritchard or Georgehifi.......
Well do not hold your breath George........