
I'm just curious and I don't think I've ever seen this question asked. I've owned McIntosh equipment for over 20 years and yet I've never seen any discussion as to owners having modifications made to their equipment as is so often the case with other brands. Is the reason because the equipment is so good it doesn't need to be modified, it isn't engineered in a manner which is conducive to modification, it isn't considered "worthy" of modification? I know McIntosh seems to be more polarizing than a lot of other brands so it seems like an interesting topic.
i dont know about being too conservative to mod but my experience with mac gear & mods is that there is no point in modding the gear,why mod something that sounds good & your happy with.

zero resale value is also a reason,the only mods that will make a mac tuner gain in value are done by the mcintosh designer richard modafferi,any other mods performed by others make the gear worthless.
IT WOULD BE NICE 2 MOD Mcintosh power amp's!I have a mc2300 and it sounds like it was drained of it's impact,is there any help for these guy's,I Would like to power my acoustats 3+3's with this monster. any help would be nice Gerald
Regarding modifications or updates to existing audio stuff (here FM tuners) validation depends upon who does the modifications.
I'm designer of MAC MR77 and MAC MR78. to date since 1986, I have done;
(1) 432 MR78 mods.(2) 48 MR77 mods.
Also I'm probably the only(?) one left (at age 81) able to restore a Marantz 10B tuner. I have done:
(3) 182 Marantz 10B restorations  (circuit design changes necessary).
Modifications by the designer of a thing, especially when done with full documentation should enhance value of something, not reduce it.  However there is occasion when the original item should be preserved as original in working condition if possible. Two high-end  loudspeaker pairs (my original designs) I donated to local tech museum refused updating, needing here to preserve them in original condition.