This is an easy one. Open up a FedEx or UPS account and let the seller use your account. In fact, have the seller bring the item to a UPS store and have them package the item up and use your account to ship it.
If it comes damaged, you are responsible.
How much insurance was placed on the unit? Did the seller use a new box, double box or anything special? I ship items all the time, probably weekly. A 60 pound item for $60 seems very cheap. I recently shipped a SA-100 Counterpoint amp with $1500 to $2K insurance. Cost was just under $75, 85 pound amp insured for $2500 was close to $150. But again, depends on the insurance. Have the seller send you a copy of the receipt.
If it comes damaged, you are responsible.
How much insurance was placed on the unit? Did the seller use a new box, double box or anything special? I ship items all the time, probably weekly. A 60 pound item for $60 seems very cheap. I recently shipped a SA-100 Counterpoint amp with $1500 to $2K insurance. Cost was just under $75, 85 pound amp insured for $2500 was close to $150. But again, depends on the insurance. Have the seller send you a copy of the receipt.