Hey K.....tt, Do you even have speakers??

If so, please enlighten us all as to your current system!  My guess is casio clock radio, on isolation platforms in a tuned room of course!

  I was just reflecting on 9 years of this hobby, and every pair of my 50+ speakers has brought me immense satisfaction.  Why are you so sad and disgruntled but more importantly, if you hate hifi, mainly speakers, why do you come here?

cue crickets...
Personally I don't use MDF all that much....makes great countertops, though.

I'd like to think that most of what's occurring here is 'relatively' good-natured teasing over each other's foibles...hopefully, preferably...

I mean,  Everyone has a pair...

(Speakers...stop that...)

Own as many as you want...in any flavour, size, response, cost.  If a Casio cuts the cadence for you, Kewl.
Hire a hall, and invite 50 of them....someone on eBay was selling an enormous 'wall full' of JBL's that would need a ton of amps...and that potentially could be all class D's....

If K has 'mystery' units, fine.  If they curl his toes, wonderful.
But, it does answer the 'original query': Yes, he does.
All gawds' chilllin' gots speakers.

Ok, settled.  Now, let's argue about....cables! Yeah! That's always good for about....*mmmm*....30 odd pages...and I do mean odd....;)

(I'll stop ranting now....) 
(...post #801....*hmph*)
I think when I get to #901, I'll do it ALL CAPS....seems appropo...
"yes most diy designs are just glorified mdf cabinets. "

So, by extension, as speakers are made of a handful of materials, what is the ideal material the oh enlightened one?