Help!! Bought Rega TT in the UK and now cant use it in the U.S.

So I bought a Rega Planar 2 through Amazon U.K. because it was $175 cheaper than anywhere in the U.S. I feel stupid now because I did not think about the power supply. Can someone please guide me in the right direction as to what some of my options are to be able to use the TT here in the U.S. I dont want to make the wrong move and burn the motor in the TT.
Im not to savy when it comes to electricity so your guidance is appreciated. Thanks
I’ve got a travel power converter from amazon that takes pretty much any voltage/frequency and converts it to North American 120/60. Could you find something marketed towards EU travelers that does the reverse?
buy a  step up/down trans on ebay for like $25, problem solved
i usea  trans on my Cayin cd playe/220v for 17 yrs,,no issues. 
the back of the trans has  110/220 switch,,USE 110, . 
Rega uses an Ac syncronous motor 

Converting a 220v 50hz motor is not possibile with such a motor and a step up or down converter.
Thank you all for the responses. I am just going to return it and save myself more headaches. As one of you said If I try to sell it its gonna be close to impossible.  I will be purchasing the U.S. version after I receive my refund. By the way since I will be returning it I now have the opportunity to get something else. Any recommendations on a great entry level TT for the money? Thanks
If you'd bought in the UK from the US, you'd be fleeced by UK customs fees, delays, and paperwork.