Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
I agree that the CS2.3 baffle is cleaner vs. the CS2.4 in term of "diffraction".  I never noticed the difference before.  Maybe the motivation for the CS2.4 baffle was about the "aesthetic" appeal.  
@twoch I've done tie-dye once but fail to see how that is relevant to this thread.

@tomthiel @sdecker  OK, you now have me very curious to try a baffle treatment. But my DAC is away getting an upgrade (I'm currently rediscovering my LPs), so I'll have to let that settle in before I can do a fair test of changes to the baffle.

Beetle - FWIW, my experiments have led to a 2-layer system as having sonic synergy. Not ready for prime-time, but anyone is welcome to play.1/8" F11 (or F15N) felt plus top layer of Ultrasuede LT (lightest grade 0.6mm thick). And the clencher is covering the driver plates or bezel rings with Ultrasuede LX (stretchy), right up to the surrounds. Together these surfaces make some magic, both heard, as inner harmonic detail, and measured as lower group delay, harmonic distortion and waterfall decay. Problem is that samples of these materials are hard to get and alternatives (fake Ultrasuede or other felts) do little good. Still working.
That's exactly my concern, problematic diffraction effects for the sake of "aesthetic appeal" fly in the face of all I came to know of Jim Thiel's design ethic.  And yes, he was alive and kicking throughout the CS2.4 project.
If your analog front-end is up to par with what I read earlier of your amplification, it would seem vinyl would be at least the equally-good source for critical listening!

I guess I'll be paying a visit to a tailor for the first time in decades (!) to try some of these materials.  Perhaps I could just put the felt around the coax's metal perimeter, up to the surround, as there isn't enough space to mill out the grille metal to the left and right of the coax baffle area.  That would seem to defeat the idea though, as I'd be attenuating all the coax output that isn't straight-ahead, vs allowing it to freely disperse unobstructed.  Which takes me back to the compromised 2.4 baffle in its entirety of construction :-|
Andy - my experiments show that a felt edge at the driver surround is not good. It causes its own reflection / diffraction effect. Good results have come from beveling the felt edge and by covering everything up to the surround with Ultrasuede for an uninterrupted surface. Other designers have cut star or odd shapes for the drivers to peek through. But I don't like that either.  I may have spoken too soon. I am in the middle of this stew and perhaps you might sit tight and learn from my progress as things get clearer.