Upgrading my blusound streamer

Need some advice from the experts. First, my system consist of:
2 McIntosh 601 monoblocks
2 Martin Logan Renaissance 15a speakers
1 McIntosh C47 Pre Amplifier
Some relatively expensive cables everywhere
1 blusound node 2 streamer
Tidal music source

My system approaches retail close to $50K

My system sounds very good and powerful. But, I’m always looking for ways to make it sound better

My streamer is only about $500, which is cheap compared to my system and I consider it the weak link. Are there other  streamers you can recommend that would be better suited with my system, cost wise, and would ultimately make it sound even better


I did, however, switch from optical to coax. Don’t kill me, but I just used amazon basic cables to do the test. I noticed no difference I could tell. Any input on this?
If you have USB DAC input- Melco N10  or  N100+aftermarket LPS.  And Curious USB cable.  SOTA. 
@preslisa64 I’ve not used the Amazon basic cable so I can’t comment on it. I use a Nordost Silver Shadow and find it gets the job done quite well. Is your Toslink the Amazon as well? Hopefully you have a local shop that has a nice S/Pdif you can take home as a loaner.