GK uses his knowledge of things unknown to a number of us as a sword to disembowel anyone who disagrees with him. And I kind of wonder if he knows what he is talking about or not.
In all seriousness, he does every once in a while post something that makes me wonder. Like, he sure seems to understand the details of CD pit and land and how CD is really an analog medium. There might even be a couple more like this where he gets something right. Out of 18,000....
Year or so ago when I first started coming here Forest for the Trees took me to task over the word, electromagnetic. Notice now its okay to say electromagnetic. Never fear, it will probably return to being sophomoric again now that I've mentioned it.
Forest for the Trees has a whole website devoted to his alternate universe. A world of Morphic Fields ruled by the Nimbus Sub Hertz Platform, the Firestone 16-wheeler air bag, springs, and rocks.
I worry you think I might be kidding. teleportation. For only several hundred dollars he will call you on the phone and wherever you are in the world you will hear your system improve all thanks to his telepathic use of pebbles, er I mean W.C. er I mean Morphic Fields.
Forest for the Trees occasionally makes the mistake of trying to disembowel me. What looks like a sword to you looks like word salad to me. If there were any sense to be made of it I would let you know. Like the CD thing. He got that right. Give the man credit. Anything else? Let you know when I find it. Don't hold your breath.
Forest for the Trees loves to quote physicist Feynman. But notice its always the quote meant to put you in your place. If I could explain it to you it wouldn't be worth the Nobel Prize. Uses that one so much he has it all ready to cut and paste. At least I figure that has to be it. Because when I cut and paste *his version* into a browser all that comes up are his posts. Its never what Feynman actually said, which is worded a bit differently. More to the point, its contrary to another thing Feynman said, that if you really understand then you can explain it to anyone. Feynman's famous for being able to explain the most complicated puzzles in a way that just about anyone can understand.
That's the difference between knowing, and memorizing. He's memorized, that's for sure. But what does he really know?