Inflated prices in audio

Not being funny but I put a post into the thread about SME no longer selling tone-arms on their own saying they are not silly priced - I then had to row it back a bit when I saw that the SME V retails at £5500. 110 years ago it was half that price. My salary ain't doubled.

Likewise there are some real silly price audio equipment. If you index link top end audio from the 80's they would still come out significantly cheaper than now.

I'm not convinced that the best high-end from now is necessarily better than the stuff back then - different perhaps.

Is there any logical explanation for this? I think magazines like hi-fi world and what hifi are fairly responsible and do review a lot of real world products, but other publications are fixated with the utterly un-affordable.

What do you 'goners think?
The real question is ... Have prices risen, or has the value of money gone down?

See millercarbon's comment:  

  • "(See: fractional reserve, fiat currency.)"

LOL - sticky keyboard on my appllllleee maaac - that not only would have been in business a long time - but also they's be a wealthy company had they sold it for about £2500 in large numbers over that time period.

@mike_in_nc and @roberjerman may well have hit the nail on the head. 

I must say that I hate cables with a passion - but that may be just because my own amp - LAvardin IT - tends to like very simple cables like DNM or Nordost Flat (the most basic). I have tried others (ie Nordost Heimdall 2) but keep coming back to the DNM cables. I make that point at the outset to set out my own prejudice as I am sure many will say that exorbitant cable prices are justified (especially in the context of their own systems). My pre-amble is set out because I think cables really have taken a life of their own in the last 20 years. I appreciate some of this reflects research - but the high end electronics in the past did not lack research costs. 

I make a speculation, but could it be that the big companies who do the investment don't tend to concentrate as much an audio and as such the small one man bands try to recuperate everything on a single/few sales?
Cause companies aren't selling as much so making it up with increased prices.