Are you Beethoven or Mozart?

"Beethoven music is life itself" Albert Einstein

I have to say I am more Beethoven than Mozart.  I turn pain and suffering into beauty and find beauty in pain and suffering :-)

I love Beethoven, bit Mozart is my guy.  It is all a matter of taste, just like in the middle 60’s, were you a Beatles guy or Stones.

No right answer, just good music from both sides in each case.
I have to say Beethoven if I were picking between Mozart and Beethoven. his music is more dramatic and I finish listening with the feeling that there was not a single superfluous note in the work. But I do have to say that Bach in my mind beats the two of them.
Bach. The most genius. The most german but the most universal. Mozart and Beethoven were really lucky because if they  would have known the whole major music of Bach, it would be hard to continue their style. Bach is the pride of Germany but the pride of whole universe

Consider his age at the time of his death.
Two other great historical figures died at roughly the same age.
Did God snuff out Alexander for reaching out for political unity? Did He crucify Christ for reaching out for spiritual equivalence with God? 
And was it mere jealousy for God to get rid of Mozart for making the sublime accessible.  
Claptrap, but interesting points to ponder as to how men so young could achieve so much and disconcert their world and inspire generations to come.