Tekton DI's or Klipsch Forte III

Hello all, It's a pretty simple question, I currently have a set of Klipsch Forte III's driven with a Rogue Atlas Magnum II and Rogue HP-1 Pre. Like the Klipsch a lot but am getting the itch to try the Tekton DI's.

My question is to those that have heard both, are the DI's as dynamic as the F3's with better clarity and soundstage or am I better off to stay where I am?


I know, I know, another Tekton discussion!
I have heard neither, though done some reading on both at different times as I mulled over my own speaker change decisions. Just today I heard a Youtube review on the Tekton DI by Thomas & stereo. He really likes the DI, but says they wouldn’t be his end game speaker because they don’t have the detail and resolution of his favorite speakers.

My opinion is that with the off-the-shelf paper woofers they have, the Klipsch might have superior detail over the Tektons.  It might be worth it for you to look up the Thomas & Stereo review on the Tektons.
i was thinking that myself, the Klipsch, I may be no audiophile, but I like the Fortes, a lot. I was thinking I’d get more “forte” (for lack of a better term) with the Tektons, that’s the question.

Thomas & Stereo, as I remember from watching the review months ago, said that the reason it was not the speaker for him is because he likes an ultra resolving speaker, that he likes to hear the singers lips smack and to hear them breathe. He makes a point of bringing this up in his reviews and he indicates that this is his preference and not how music sounds "live".