Marantz Receiver Bad HDMI

Has anyone had problems I bought a SR7009 I had it less than 18 months HDMI inputs went out I called Marantz it was under warranty. They then sent me a B Stock 7011 less than 18 month the HDMI went out on it. Chris from Marantz customer support refused to do anything and said that the warranty had expired because Marantz provides 3 years combined warranty service. SO they combined the 1 1/2 year when the previous unit went out to the little over 1 1/2 months when the 2nd unit went out. MARANTZ should’ve provided 3 years on both units. Its not the consumers fault that their units are defective. He said that I could trade it in and get little to nothing and then use that money to purchase another Marantz receiver. Why would any one with half a brain do that, needless to say Marantz wont get anymore of my money, BUYER
BEWARE of Marantz. Chris the customer support manager is the judge, jury and executor. He says he makes the final decision. I know of no other establishment that runs that way.
I was am using a B&W power amp so my Marantz doesn't heat up so heat would not be a factor with the HDMI board and the Marantz sits on the top of the rack open air the boards are just defective .
I had the HDMI issue with my SR5009 couple years ago, one went out after almost 3 years of use. It was only powering a pair of B&W CM1 S2 bookshelf speakers. I had to manually switch between my TV and projector connectors. Now it’s in my bedroom powering a pair of B&W M1 satellite speakers connected to the TV. I upgraded to an Anthem MRX-720 in my living.

Reading your post about the first Marantz streamer gave me deja vu.  See my post from 10/13
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