Hey K.....tt, Do you even have speakers??

If so, please enlighten us all as to your current system!  My guess is casio clock radio, on isolation platforms in a tuned room of course!

  I was just reflecting on 9 years of this hobby, and every pair of my 50+ speakers has brought me immense satisfaction.  Why are you so sad and disgruntled but more importantly, if you hate hifi, mainly speakers, why do you come here?

cue crickets...
i doubt you would need 50+ speakers if you were truly satisfied ,,,, Duder,   Speakers are like sexy woman every one excels 
in a different way   One day you will get it.   this man is Spot on 
Anyone who has owned that many speakers is not enjoying them as much as they think.!    Guess again big Dog.   It's like Drinking 
  Tequila. Why would you stick with 1800 that's crazy if you do it.  It's like Dating a French woman then moving to a Polish babe . Kicking & Asking yourself   why didn't i do that long ago 
Speakers are such an enjoyable part of our hobby....even though I am satisfued with mine....I could switch them out daily if it were practical.  Speakers are a work of Art.