It is irrelevant. He mentions the dual slit experiment which is specific to wave particle duality which does not apply with a simple optical detector.
>>>>That’s how CDs work you silly goose. It’s quantum mechanical, the laser is a quantum mechanical device. A Quantum Well. The laser beam is coherent light. Quantum mechanical. “Pits” and “lands” on the CD represent 1s and 0s, in discrete blocks, so when the laser beam strikes a “land” reflective area the full reflected wave is returned to the photodetector, but when the laser beam strike a “pit” the geometry is such that the light wave cancels and there is no reflected signal. It’s a series of ONs and OFFs. That’s how the system figures out the data steam from the physical data on the CD. Theoretically, anyway, as I’ve oft said it’s got some serious issues. Scattered light is one of the issues. So, it’s the same thing as the double slit experiment - light destructively and constructively interfering. Say Hallelujah, brothers! 🤗 🤗 🤗
It is irrelevant. He mentions the dual slit experiment which is specific to wave particle duality which does not apply with a simple optical detector.
>>>>That’s how CDs work you silly goose. It’s quantum mechanical, the laser is a quantum mechanical device. A Quantum Well. The laser beam is coherent light. Quantum mechanical. “Pits” and “lands” on the CD represent 1s and 0s, in discrete blocks, so when the laser beam strikes a “land” reflective area the full reflected wave is returned to the photodetector, but when the laser beam strike a “pit” the geometry is such that the light wave cancels and there is no reflected signal. It’s a series of ONs and OFFs. That’s how the system figures out the data steam from the physical data on the CD. Theoretically, anyway, as I’ve oft said it’s got some serious issues. Scattered light is one of the issues. So, it’s the same thing as the double slit experiment - light destructively and constructively interfering. Say Hallelujah, brothers! 🤗 🤗 🤗