Go Active Crossover or Upgrade existing XOs?

It was recently suggested to me that rather than doing a crossover upgrade 

I look into an active crossover for my Tannoy FSMs. Anyone experienced enough 

to guide me? What advantages does active provide?

Anything is possible with money and time.  But then with too much money and time will lead to hubris.  And that's why God created men and women.  

OK, enough hubris from me.  
From your question it's obvious that you don't have the technical skills to start from scratch using any kind of active crossovers. To get it right is a complex process even for an experienced person, my recommendation is to leave it alone and save yourself time, money and frustration! 

From your question it's obvious that you don't have the technical skills to start from scratch using any kind of active crossovers. To get it right is a complex process even for an experienced person, my recommendation is to leave it alone and save yourself time, money and frustration!
Give the guy a break, will you!  He may actually know more than you.
Listen fellas, its not just a river in Egypt, okay?

Still waiting to hear, if its so great, why all the world’s greatest cost no object systems aren’t doing it?

I mean, its not like there’s some vast audiophile industrial complex conspiracy to... Oh wait, what’s this?

There has been a long running conspiracy to prevent blah blah yada yada


My experience: I've gone active and very happy. In my experience, given a certain (limited) budget, I've gotten better sound by optimizing: focus on an audiophile PC as sole front end, run digital crossovers, a multichannel DAC, keep my tube amp for mids/treble, and a cheap Hypex UcD amp for mid bass and Rythmik subs for lowest frequencies. The tradeoff: steep learning curve, VERY involved vs just plugging an amp to speakers with passive xo. The biggest trick is building your own active speakers and selling your existing speakers with the expensive passive xo. 

I suggest you do a lot of reading before deciding. Search in computeraudiophile a couple of articles named Acourate walkthrough, and advanced Acourate (or something along the lines) to learn how digital active xo could be implemented. 

I hope this helps.