Perfect Path Technologies confusion

I’ve 8 STOP IT plugs and 3 Alpha E cards.  An exhaustive search of the forum and PPT website has not revealed to me clear concise usage parameters.  I own The Gate and that had only one closed ended application and it works well.

One STOP IT each in unused receptacle?  Or two in each if the plug is unused?  The cards, one atop each piece centered, over the power supply or under the unit?  Or stack them.  Thank you in advance.
Tim however was not a con man. He did however have a confidence in his own skill at discovery. Every waking moment was him rolling and processing what he found the day before. Nothing fake about Tim or any of the products he has brought to market or that will come to market. Tom

"Example of such ...Residing in DC right now."
What do these people have against you? You are not that bad after all.
A little serious business is in order here ...

Hateful words are like bullets exiting a gun barrel. Once they leave the barrel, it is impossible to retrieve them.

I would like to ask the members to be respectful toward Tim Mrock’s widow, Krissy. I know that she reads the posts here in the forums. She certainly doesn’t deserve some of the comments being made here.

Grief is very painful. There is no need to add to it.
