“Or would you grant that I would be justified in my conclusion, from my own perception that "there was no audible alteration to the sonic signal?"”
>>>>Sorry, pal. You actually wouldn’t be justified in drawing ANY conclusion from a single test. Especially since you haven’t even done the test. You’re supposed to do the test BEFORE you draw any conclusions. Hel-loo! A single test, no matter how well performed or thorough, has no meaning, especially if the results are negative. For one thing that’s to prevent overly enthusiastic pseudo scientists from claiming victory in some argument. But mainly it’s because it’s too difficult to control all the variables and too many things can go wrong. Furthermore, you haven’t even done the test and you’re already declaring victory. That’s gold, Jerry, gold!
“Or would you grant that I would be justified in my conclusion, from my own perception that "there was no audible alteration to the sonic signal?"”
>>>>Sorry, pal. You actually wouldn’t be justified in drawing ANY conclusion from a single test. Especially since you haven’t even done the test. You’re supposed to do the test BEFORE you draw any conclusions. Hel-loo! A single test, no matter how well performed or thorough, has no meaning, especially if the results are negative. For one thing that’s to prevent overly enthusiastic pseudo scientists from claiming victory in some argument. But mainly it’s because it’s too difficult to control all the variables and too many things can go wrong. Furthermore, you haven’t even done the test and you’re already declaring victory. That’s gold, Jerry, gold!