Where should I put a Syn. Orange fuse to try?

Want to try the Orange fuse- where would I hear the greatest improvement to try- Preamp,Dac or Amps- thks
No one can tell you the answer to that. If you want the answer, buy enough fuses and compare each component. All other answers are speculation. :)
Well GK is closer than most.

I just got some Orange in to upgrade from Blue. The biggest impact in my system was in my Melody tube integrated. Herron VTPH2A phono stage ran a very close second. My Teres Verus turntable motor drive uses two and they hardly made any difference there at all. So those are not being upgraded.

One thing I will say, and really love saying because I know its gonna majorly trigger all the usual pansies, but use a larger value fuse. This was on the down-low, confidential conversation, but a very, very knowledgeable and respected designer/builder/manufacturer told me no worries whatsoever running a larger value fuse. Not even gonna list all the reasons why. Now watch the interweb explode in outrage and alarm.

When it hardly even matters. In reality what will happen, you will pop that thing in there and immediately- not an hour or a day or a month later, immediately- know you want more. Then by the time more come the first one will be sounding so good you will be calling ordering even more.

Say high to Betty for me. highend-electronics.com