Krell KAS amplifier hum

The amps are directly plugged into their own dedicated 20A outlet.  Is there a "conditioner" I can use to minimize/eliminate the mechanical hum I'm hearing through my MBL 111f speakers.  I'm not looking for a multiple outlet item, rather, one which plugs directly into the wall and into the back of each monoblock.  Please advise and thank you in advance.

Confusing post.

Mechanical hum cannot be coming from the speakers. Not unless they are powered. Are MBL powered? I don't think so. So if the sound of hum is coming from the speakers then its electrical,and probably due to the amps being on a different and unnecessary line.

If the humming is physically coming from the amps themselves, you can hear the transformers making noise, then they are vibrating due to DC offset. The fix is either find the cause and turn it off, or plug the amps into a DC offset eliminator.
And a DC offset eliminator may not completely remove the mechanical hum from transformers. This has been my experience with one particular amp, and after trying everything possible the only culprit remaining was delamination "rattle" from loose windings over time.  The DC offset measures helped but didn't fully eliminate my issue with the tube amp.  Every other amp I've ever plugged into the same circuit, tubed or SS, never hummed a peep using the same speakers/system.  Sometimes it's simply the amp and not DC riding on your line.
MBL 111f speakers are not powered.  The hum i am hearing is coming out of the speakers once i power on the amplifiers.  Therefore, it is the wall outlets or amplifiers that are generating/transferring the hum into the speakers.  Can someone recommend me a product to minimize the hum?  One (product/solution) they have personally used to good effect?  Thank you in advance.  These amps require (necessary) 20A power supply lines.  I had 2 dedicated lines installed, one for each monoblock since my room only had one 15A line.  

@millercarbon - the intent of my query was never meant to be confusing.  Thank you for pointing that out.
