Another new DAC: Audio Mirror

Just ran across this last night. Never heard of them before but
as a Minnesota company tweaked my curiosity.
Audio Mirror Tubadour III non-oversampling tube DAC. Sounds interesting.
If anyone runs across one and has a listen please post.
audio123 stated....
"Thats Great,,,but this thread is about the AMT 3 DAC....not Holo that Tim Connors is just the Middle Man in that Chinese Company lets get back to Vlad and His AMAZING American Made DAC!"

Ok, I get your bias and we all have opinions but I think it is valuable in my mind to make comparisons because there are so few (but obviously a growing number) of the AMT 3 DAC's out there. For those with knowledge to be able to compare it to other known DAC's is beneficial. I may want to buy one so I try to gather all of the information I can before I make a decision. Part of that is comparison. Were someone to tell me the AMT is everything the Holo Audio DAC is only better, then I would have a better understanding of it's performance. Right now my concern would be low frequency performance based on it's tube design. Clarification of this point would be helpful and that includes comparison.
I bi-amp my speakers. They have 18'' woofers that are connected to a dedicated amp. Those woofers are quite efficient and play from 100Hz down. Recently, I compared a powerful SET tube amplifier with a Jeff Rowland 625 S-2 driving the 18'' woofers. I was sure the Jeff Rowland amp would smash the tube amps completely in that application with all its power and genius design. To my biggest surprise the tube amps sounded A LOT better. It was not a small difference... it was big. The tube amps gave me a lot more details in the lower frequency. Acoustic instruments became so much more alive and palpable. One has to hear that to believe it. I had a few friends over and did not tell them exactly what I was doing. I wanted to double check my sanity. They all liked the tube amp better. 
So, I am not sure where that myth comes from. If it has a tube, it must have problems with the low frequencies. It's probably from badly designed tube power amps trying to drive speakers they should not be driving...
But for low powered electronics such as DACs and pre-amps, why would someone even think the low frequencies would be a problem? PS Audio's signature preamp uses tubes. Paul McGowan was completely against putting tubes in his equipment all these years, but when BHK designed the tube stage, he compared it with his solid state stage, and he changed his mind. Do people have concerns about the low frequencies when they buy the signature PS Audio BHK preamp? I doubt it. 
The Audio Mirror was an eye opener for me. I was a proud owner of Denafrips Terminator, bragging all over about it, when a friend of mine brought his little Audio Mirror DAC in my house. Next to the Terminator, the Audio Mirror DAC looked like a toy. We played both, and the main thing that the Audio Mirror did a lot better was bass. There was no comparison - the bass from the Terminator was so muddy compared to the Audio Mirror. And as I mentioned above I have 18'' woofers in my system, not some small bookshelves that can barely do any bass. Long story short, I sold my Terminator next month. And that was the first version of this new Audio Mirror DAC without any of the upgrades / refinements. The signature edition is so much better!
So there you go my friend, @falconquest . I can't make a comparison with the Holo DAC. But if low frequency is a concern for you with this DAC, you should forget that concern.
I think the prevailing attitude is not so much driving a woofer with tubes but the amps ability to control it based on damping factor. I'm no expert and it sounds like you had a positive experience. What are your speakers rated for efficiency?
95 dB.
But my point was that a DAC or a preamp does not drive speakers, and I don't think you should have concerns about the low frequency performance just because the DAC has a tube inside... especially with this DAC. 
@vassils Can you say what you’re using to run your woofers? I have Coincident PRE’s (94db) and just finally got dedicated subwoofer amplifiers to run their lower ends (2 x 12"). They’re the solid state Class AB Dayton Audio SA1000s that Audio Kinesis uses for their Swarm, supposedly based of a Bob Carver design. So much cheaper than everything else in my system, but made an amazing difference.

And thanks for the comparison to the Terminator, that’s good to hear, as it was another I had considered before buying the AMT3se.