Cable septic

Okay, I’ve spent a fair amount on my dream system. Voxativ 9.87 system, very efficient speakers, Vocation 211 integrated, ps audio Directstream DAC and power station, etc. I’m using pretty basic cables, mostly what came with my equipment.  I still remember a magazine article where they AB tested high end cables neatly separated vs a mess of cheap crap.   The result, nobody heard a difference. So, flash forward, what cables will make a difference?  Brand and which component in order of benefit. Thank you!

If one does not hear the difference in cables they have blockage in their system somewhere.

here's a quote just from tonight

"After just a slight adjustment on the speaker cables I was sitting and listening on how much more it can get better. This is just tooooo good I really understand now big time on what blockage means. You were 1000% correct those ARC's were blocking so much of signal transfer."


Wire matters little. Contrary to what the "golden ears" crowd claims! Buy some low-cost Kimber or Audioquest ICs and speaker cable and stop worrying! And don't fall for the b.s. that wire needs to "burn-in" before becoming sonically acceptable!
Anticables Level 1 ICs on sale for $50/pr (list $100). Listed here on Audiogon. This is a good company with affordable products! Check out their speaker cables! I have no affiliation with them.
Here's what I have presently in use: 5 pairs of Audioquest Silver Extreme ICs @ $100/pr (list price $500/pr). Bought from HCM Audio. Speaker cable: Q Audio Time Stream. Bought a used 50ft piece for $50. Cut it in quarters (four 12.5ft pieces) and added banana plugs. I chose all this on the basis of price. Sounds fine in my system!