Why no “Break in” period?

If people say there’s a break in period for everything from Amps to cartridges to cables to basically everything... why is it with new power conditioners that people say they immediately notice “the floor drop away” etc.  Why no break in on that?

I’m not trying to be snarky - I’m genuinely asking.
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I personally don't like the sound of power conditioners. Nor do I like the sound of anything over built.

If one is having a problem with ac they should take a look at their transformers, thick wires, banana plugs (all big plugs or connectors) and component chassis to see why there is signal blockage.

I don't care for power conditioners either...I've never heard anyone say the noise floor dropped immediately...but even if it did, doesn't mean sound quality improved or that the conditioner didn't sound better after a few weeks...

I asked you sincere questions to try and understand your position.

Ok, you don’t want to have a conversation where you think through your position to show anyone else it actually makes sense. I guess the whole "here are the reasons why you should take my claim seriously" stuff is just "blah, blah, blah" to you? (I infer this from your constant disparagement of any questions about your claims)."                                                                                                                                                                                                          What, "claims" have I made?      AGAIN: My ONLY agenda is to encourage others to LISTEN/EXPERIMENT for THEMSELVES.      This is the internet, which(to me) is a vast playground, in where anyone can make any claims they want, regarding themselves or their theories, "prof".      Call me a skeptic, but I don’t care to play.                                                                                                                                                                                              "......don’t want to have a conversation...."???      It’s cute, you think I spend my day, hovering over a keyboard, with such as you in my head.      My reality extends beyond the virtual(I actually have a life, to occupy my time).

rodman wrote: What, "claims" have I made?


while refusing to acknowledge that ONLY experimentation(the heart of the Scientific Method), provides PROOF, regarding anything discussed. Most of those are proffering their opinions, without ever having tried what’s being discussed. What you hold true, in your listening room, is all that matters. Experiment and trust your ears. Anyone that discredits another’s abilities to hear improvements, in their own systems, in their own listening environments, with their own ears, should be considered condescending, insulting and/or(probably), simply projecting their own ineptitude. Perhaps, to be pitied.

Are you unaware that the above quote constitute a series of "claims?"Ones that you have continued to make?


If you and I sat in front of the same system and swapped, say, power cords, and you think you heard a difference, and I think I heard no difference....on your view...what does this tell us about the actual piece of equipment we are "testing" this way?

In your view, would such a "test" imply the cable did in fact change the sound, but only you heard the change? Or....what?

If we care about what is actually happening, whether a cable (or tweak) actually DOES change the sonic signal, just saying "try it for yourself" as if that will decide the matter is of no help, if "trying it for yourself" can yield contradictory results for different people.

Why be so resistant to these perfectly reasonable questions about your ideas on this question?