It is a pleasure to read your opinions.
I just want to say to some that my homemade tweaks cannot be snake oil because I create them myself at the cheapest cost...And after the creation of these homemade tweaks I can listen to ANY and all and EACH one of my cd files with musical enthusiasm...Without these tweaks I would be in the necessity to buy costly upgrade , and be in a constant state of unsatisfaction like I was upgrading…...Because it is impossible to makes a speakers sound right without room treatment, tuning, or cleaning the house noise level for example, and without controlling the vibration resonances phenomenon...(Samething for any piece of electronic gear but more evident with speakers by the way)
Then speaking about upgrading electronics is at least half of the times be influenced by marketing engineering and more than that throwing his money to the wind, it is paying too much, more of the times... An audio system, a mass of electronics if you wanted, exist at his own true OPTIMAL potential capabilities ONLY in the controlled embeddings of a room and of a house, and of the audio grid, call these necessary means of controls : "tweaks", tuning, controls, treatment, cleaning, or " snake oil", that’s is the way it is and it must be, except for non-thinking mind...No controls-cleaning-tuning-tweaks etc , equals no optimal sound, for most of us most of the times... The exception is the 100,000 dollars system with dedicated room treatment included and even that, I does not like necessarily all of them sonically speaking...It is always better to makes that happen one step at a time for our own ears by ourself...
Before the installation of my "tweaking" methods many of my files sounded way less listenable, the lived concert for example... Now I prefer lived concert because my stereo system gives me the exact atmosphere of the site where they recorded the piece...
My best to all and to you in particular...